Fear-Free Positive Reinforcement Dog Training in Woodland Park, Green Lake


Seattle Canine Club is proud to offer a fear-free positive reinforcement dog training in Woodland Park, Green Lake. Our skills level-based group class program allows students to learn and develop at their own pace. Get all the fun and excitement of group classes with the growth progression of private lessons. Progress as far through the program as you want your dog to achieve.

Build a strong relationship and trust with your canine companion while teaching them polite manners and advanced skills to be a happy and polite member of society. 

Unlock your dog’s full potential and embark on a rewarding journey through our OrientationFocus Foundations, Useful Manners, Durations and Distractions and Advanced Skills.

Fear-Free Positive Reinforcement Dog Training in Seattle


The first step in our Positive Reinforcement Dog Training Program is an orientation session where you will learn the key to your dog’s success in training. This session will be for the hoomans to learn how to build stronger bonds and communication skills with their dogs. We will go over how dogs learn and how you can affect them to make better actions right away. Learn how you can prevent problem behaviors and set them up to be successful in their daily life. Fun practice steps will be given so your dog can start learning immediately. This is a 45-min session that is delivered onsite or via Zoom. The orientation is mandatory for joining skill-level training.

Focus Foundations – Level 1:

Our first skill level is gaining focus skills and learning foundational cues that will be useful in any environment your dog will be in the future. We will introduce and work on sit, down, stationary attention, and name focus. Building these primary skills will help your dog develop stronger consistent behaviors in the future. We will also work on unwanted behaviors such as jumping, play-biting, and house routines.

Requirements to move to Useful Manners- level two: Dog can sit and down on cue. Dog will respond to their name with mild distractions.

Useful Manners – Level 2:

Our second skill level will work on learning many useful skills for daily life. Leash skills include: walking on a loose leash without pulling, giving attention to the handler while walking on a leash, and ignoring other dogs. We will also be learning and practicing come and stay. Problem-solving unwanted behaviors like digging, barking, chewing, and others will also be covered.

Requirements to move to Durations and Distractions– level three: Dog can walk around training area nicely, which includes: no pulling, giving attention to handler, and being able to walk past other dogs 4-5 ft away. Dog will come when called on a leash with mild distractions. Dog will calmly stay in place for a moment.

Durations and Distractions – Level 3:

Skill level three will add more distractions and other criteria to already learned cues. Progressing to long-distance come cue, stay with distractions, loose-leash walking past distractions, and distance cues. We will also progress walking to heel level.

Requirements to move to Advanced Skills: Dog will stay for 30 seconds with mild distractions and with handler in a relaxed position. Dog will heel past other dogs with the leash over the handler’s shoulder. Dogs will come from 20 feet away with moderate distractions.  

Advanced Skills – Level 4:

In our fourth skill level, we’ll work on polishing the come cue and teaching an emergency come, strengthen the stay cue by teaching the dog to stay for longer periods of time at a greater distance from the handler, work on turns, and automatically sit for heeling.

Level four goals: Dog can heel off-leash past other dogs and distractions. Dog will calmly be in a stay 10 feet away from the handler for 3 minutes with distractions. Dog will come off leash past distractions from 30 feet away.

2023 Calendar:
  • Orientation sessions are held once a week. Check the available dates for upcoming sessions.
  • Focus Foundations classes are on Monday’s and Wednesday’s at 7pm.
  • Useful Mangers are on Monday’s at 8pm and Tuesday’s at 7pm.
  • Durations and Distractions classes will are held on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s at 8pm.
  • Advanced Skills are on Wednesday’s 8pm.
  • Weekends (Saturday’s and Sunday’s) will have special offerings and consulations. Please check our pet parent portal calendar for details.
  • We are constantly adjusting our calendar to meet our members needs and peculiar schedules. If the current dates don’t fit you, please send us an email at info@seattlecanineclub.com to try to meet your specific needs

Take the leash and transform your dog’s behavior with our premier fear-free positive reinforcement dog training in Woodland Park, Green Lake. Build a lasting bond and trust with your beloved canine companion through level-based training. 

Join us to teach your furry friend polite manners and advanced skills, shaping them into a well-behaved and cherished member of society.

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2751 4th Ave S, Seattle WA, 98134
Weekdays: 6:30am - 6:30pm
Weekends: 08:00am - 06:00pm
5214 Delridge Way SW, Seattle WA 98106
Weekdays: 12:00pm - 07:00pm
Weekends: 09:00am - 07:00pm
Daycare App

Location code: 721510

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